Coaching Agreement
Wellness Coaching Agreement
I am ready and able to invest the time necessary to make improvements to my overall well-being.
I acknowledge that I am fully responsible for my own progress through my choices and decisions during this process.
I will participate wholeheartedly with my coach and will commit to being on time to our sessions.
I agree to openly and honestly share any personal information related to my wellness and progress.
I understand that information discussed will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise, in writing, except as required by law.
I understand I may have set backs in my behaviors and that these are a normal part of behavior change that may be used positively to establish new behaviors.
I understand that I need to ask for the resources, support and feedback I need from my coach.
I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time during this process if I feel this service is not meeting my needs.
I recognize that coaching is not a substitute for counseling.
I will facilitate an agreement that makes clear the nature of the wellness coaching process.
I will support you as you create your own wellness plan and path to change.
I will encourage you as you build the ability and confidence to reach your goals and a higher level of well-being.
I will listen to you attentively and without judgment or my own agenda.
I am committed to being honest and forthright with my feedback.
I will promote realistic expectations throughout our discussions and with goal setting.
I will ask questions when needed and encourage you to arrive at your own answers.
I will assist you in identifying creative solutions as you work through barriers that may arise.
I will ask your permission before providing advice or direction.
I will make the appropriate referrals for topics that may arise outside of my scope of practice.
Client’s Signature:_________________________________________ Date:___________
Coach’s Signature:_________________________________________ Date:___________